My teeth are done, yes after all of the cutting, grinding, scraping and other painful words...they are DONE!! WAHOO!
The start
The breakup (taking off the old fake teeth)
The first "temps"( temporary teeth)
The sculpting (they cut my gums up..high)
The patch (gum graft from the roof of my mouth patched in front)
The hole ( where they took the chunk)
The grind (this 5 hr appointment may have well provided the soundtrack to "saw" 7)
The chord (they packed little ropes up under my gums ...and yeah it hurt)
The second "temps" (in all their abstract glory)
THE FINAL!! (I was a tad numb for these but u get the picture)
Old vs New ..TADA!!
More fun updates and more pics of course :)
Mary Poppins @ Capital Theatre with mom, kier and jon. Seriously one of my fav's..soooo AMAZING!
Jon and I also bummed down to Ephraim to see Kier perform their tube routine at the homecoming game and helped her get ready for her date saturday. She looked so classy. Look at this gorgeous hair :)
I also got to do a bunch of fun shoots this past little bit so check them out if you feel the need...some pretty people to please your eyes :)
and as a ps: I am blonde again :) yay for new stuff.
till next time
xoxo Jord