Thursday, February 9, 2012

I had 5 min

Drill team is almost over! Really sometimes I wonder if this time will ever come but it has! Such a great year.. Ready to head to nationals in Cali and enjoy a much needed vacation!! Yippee. Shortly thereafter spring break so lovingly falls at just the right time. I cannot wait for the semester to be over and I am sure Jon feels the same. School is great and I am so very greatful that Jon and I can BOTH go to school and get our education, this is really important to me and i think it will really benefit us throughout iur lives. I dont regret choosing to go to school for forever, but sometimes I envy those people who have time to work and eat regular meals at regular times and see their spouse and clean their house, do laundry yano important stuff that gets done when you dont committe 70 hrs a week to school. Jon will be halfway or more finished with his masters and I will finally be creepin up on my degree! Hallelujah. If I can survive April it will be a success. Come see my dance stuff. Second weekend in April I perform third weekend I'm running a show, it'll be super


Shout out to the manti templarettes for taking second in state this year! Can't wait for Kiersten's senior year and for them to sweep it.

I am writing this on my iPad which is the coolest toy ever. Love it.

Jon is the coolest husband, probably cooler than most people's. He takes good care of me and our stupid cats, we love him.


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Yay for school & and the oh so dreaded homework and time away from your family...But, it is definitely worth it.
And Jord, only you can say "stupid cats" and still portray your genuine love for them...ha ha ha!
I just love you.